Hi Everyone!

A lot of us got war news, most of you sold your coins/token just because market flash crash, and what happened you lost your money, you buy at top and sold in the loss then buy again when market is green sell gain when market is red. Does it make any sense?

Of course not. If you actually cares about your money! Do not sell any of your coin in the loss,

When you sell whales buy that time market Got stable and you loss, that’s the reason whales always win, because they buy dips instead of selling it.

Buy When the streets are bleeding. ~WB

You missed the opportunity yesterday and now you will buy again, on the top and will sell when the market is red again,

I suggest do not do that. As we are in the bull market, do not care about any news. Just buy the dips as much possible. DCA.

Next time, buy red and sell Green. Thanks

Hope you like my post. Caution if you wanna copy paste make sure to give me credit on your post: ~ Saiman Trader. $BTC $ETH $SOL