This is April Report.

It Took Me 4 Days lets See how My Analysis Work.

I give out free signals on Telegram : SkeizTrader

Just sit back and watch how good this analysis is. I have already made huge profits by shorting BTC on April 12th

From 12 April Till 18 April Is the Bearish Phase of Bitcoin With 15 April Bullish Day.

On 16 April Market Will be Bearish ⛑️

Specifically on 19 April and 20 April We have the Most Volatility to Liquidate Majority Retailer's.

The Closing daily Candle of 30 April Will Be Green.

I am also Starting to see the Same Data Which in History resulted in Majority Liquidations.

Get Away from Futures this Month because Data with Futures Contracts Not Looks Good reason is Very High Volatility.

#analysisreport $BTC