Next level blockchain solution

Microservices allow you to evolve and scale up much more quickly and allows you to organize around business capabilities. You can organize around autonomous cross-functional teams, just like a construction site with independent, parallel work being performed.

The NULS Bitcoin layer2 module is being built within NULS ChainBox to scale the Bitcoin network. We've been on our path in building a modular blockchain ecosystem from our principles since 2017.

The #NULS/USDT trading pair is now available on DWF Liquid Markets in last 24 hours.


Market Cap: $90.84 (still small, target 1B)

% from ATL: +767%

% to ATH: +918%

Nuls Road Map 4 2024:

1. New NULS blockchain Explorer launched.

2. Support NerveNetwork to research and integrate BTC/BRC20/LN asset crosschain.

3. Develop ChainBox Bitcoin Layer2 Module.

4. Optimized NULS/ENULS documentation.

5. Optimize Public Service API

6. Optimize NerveNetwork Document/AMM Protocol.

7. Assist NerveNetwork to integrated more blockchain and interoperate with NULS/ENULS.

8. Optimize NULS underlying structure and NVM Frame network.

9. Extends NULS Parachain use scenarios through ChainBox technology.

10. Assist NerveNetworks to enable NFT cross chain function.

11. Develops 10 ecosystem project every quarter to build on NULS/ENULS.

12. Develop 5 SCO projects every month.

13. Support DeFi, GameFi and more ecosystem DApps on NULS/ENULS.

#HotTrends #2024 #crypto2024 #NULS #BitcoinAwareness