$ENA looks very bullish right now ☕

We touched below the Dump Threshold, only to then regain momentum. If it keeps like this, the very top would be $1.62 this time.

Trendline Ceiling: $1.62

Pump threshold: $1.65

We have a positive on basically all indicators ✌🏻

Stop loss at 1.342 (-5%) to those who are willing to take the trade. It's a risky trade but if it goes to 1.6, that's 15% from 1.4

🕜 Right now ENA is at 1.417; if it falls to 1.370 as you're reading this, that's even better. Just make sure to have a stop loss.

🕜 If ENA is above 1.46 by the time you're reading this, consider adjusting the stop loss to 1.389 instead of 1.342. However, I'd consider the trade too risky of started above 1.46