Cisco, the tech star once famed for its networking in various sectors, is now bracing itself with all the experience gathered in the past and a clear vision for the future as it infiltrates the artificial intelligence (AI) space. Under Chuck Robbins’ reign, as Cisco’s CEO, the company is strategically maneuvering itself to become a champion in Artificial Intelligence goals by integrating the latest acquisition, Splunk Waterfall into the security and data observability field. Such a decision however carries great weight, as AI is taking over the tech industry these days, and Cisco with its well-thought- strategy has the power to take charge rather than to get lost in the crowd.

Strategic moves in AI

Cisco with its big for a £22.04 Billion on Splunk is evidence that Artificial Intelligence is a definitive motive for it to have a competitive edge in the run for the AI technology. This is more than just a product line addition for Cisco. In its way, this is about being initially open and welcoming to AI which will help in improving data security and provide more insights about network operations. Future technological developments of Cisco in combination with Splunk technologies will present a great interest in the technology society. The upcoming RSA Conference in May and subsequent events in June are really great places to discover the fruits of this partnership.

The AI Competitive edge of the company is elaborate. Being the centerpiece of the intelligent network strategy lies the ability to create and maintain the required infrastructure that can withstand the load of AI workloads. An example of this is provided by Cisco’s Silicon One architecture which has all the attributes including scalability and performance that are needed for the intensive usage of AI Furthermore, Cisco and Nvidia partnership for AI computer data networking solutions that fuse Cisco’s communication prowess with Nvidia’s expertise in GPU technology and AI will ensure that the modern infrastructure will have state-of-the-art solutions.

Boosting communication and ecosystem with AI

AI is the center of a new Cisco tool that is targeting changing the way of communication for users. AI Assistants, enabled by Cisco technology such as Webex and the Cisco Firewall, to give rise to a Cisco that embraces technology and eases its management process. By acting as an assistant, these AI technologies can perform various functions including adjusting settings or crafting policies in ways that show AI can work to promote productivity and ease of use.

Cisco knows very well that to build up a strong ecosystem around it AI Investment is a must. Adding an AI specialization track in student course curricula and a partnership model that has AI elements mirrors Cisco’s strategy of artificial intelligence (AI) permeating its community. It also creates a win-win scenario for Cisco as this not only strengthens its footprint in the AI landscape but also improves its partners’ chances of success in an AI-dominant landscape.

Cisco’s strategic path towards leading in AI Innovation

Cisco is going for this great adventure of AI, the company puts itself among its competitors watching its steps all the time. Firstly the merger of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and Juniper Networks for $11.02B reflects a very powerful trend in the community. Although ultimately unperturbed, Robbins is still fully confident that Cisco would make an all-around trustworthy macro-environment for their customers, ensured by high-performance networks enhanced by AI, which, under these circumstances, cannot be neglected.

A way that Cisco’s activity toward AI is demonstrated by channeling strategic acquisitions, preparing partners of business, and adjoining issues in user experience to pave the way for the new era of technology. Using its advantages and learning from past failures, Cisco can be an active observer in the AI area and indeed is prepared to lead in it. AI is, therefore, integrated into the company’s future offerings and it also focuses on an ecosystem that supports the growth of the technology because of their vision of a near-future where AI technology itself is the center of innovation.

In the world of technology watching closely at Cisco’s journey into AI, we can see the transformation of its strategy, and quite possibly how the company’s niche will emerge in the technology sector completely new. In addition, as smart cities prepare for the challenges and opportunities that come along with AI, Cisco is equipped for this with robust infrastructures, innovative partnerships, and a focus on having a better user experience. The next few months will be a litmus test for Cisco to prove whether its vision can turn into practical delivery or if it is still losing the battle towards the AI-driven future and is only a perceiver and not a shaper.

Original Story From channeleye