Saga is not yet launched, but predictions are already circulating with very surprising and tempting prices! It's baffling how these predictions are made without any price history or market behavior data!

There are two scenarios to consider before making an investment:

1. The crypto market operates on hype and FOMO, often manipulated by big whales who prey on newbies like us. Some predictions claim Saga's price will be $1, $2, $4, or even $7. While my predictions are usually accurate, I refuse to predict this coin's price. I don't want people to make wrong decisions and suffer losses just for the sake of views. Remember, these predictions and hype are often promotional tactics used by influencers and websites to entice people into buying coins out of greed. Smart traders wait for dips after the hype. Instead, buying and staking FDUSD to claim coins can be profitable!

2. On the flip side, consider ENA as an example. ENA launched at $0.6, and I regretted not buying due to fear of loss. It surged to $1.2, and I advised selling. Some readers followed my advice and sold at a profit. Later, ENA fell to $0.890, and I advised buying again, leading to profits. Buying just after launch can be profitable in some cases. If you plan to buy, only invest an amount you're prepared to lose. I hope you make a profit.