WHY $BNB ?? Compare TO $ETH AND $BTC

The performance of BTC, ETH, and BNB since the opening of January 1, 2024.

1. **Bitcoin (BTC)** has experienced a **60% increase**.

2. **Ethereum (ETH)** has seen a **45% increase**.

3. **Binance Coin (BNB)** has surged by **87%**.

Now, let's consider the capital gain. BNB has outperformed BTC by **27%** in terms of capital gain. However, there's an additional factor to consider: BNB has had **10 launchpools**, and each launchpool has the potential to yield **1-2%** profit from the total BNB.

Taking this into account, we can adjust BNB's performance:

- Original BNB gain: 87%

- Additional launchpool profit: 15% (10 launchpools * 1.5% average profit per launchpool)

Total adjusted BNB gain: 87% + 15% = **102%**.

Therefore, holding BNB has been **42% more profitable** compared to holding Bitcoin since the beginning of 2024. Keep in mind that these calculations are based on the data provided, and market conditions can fluctuate for future ahead. 🚀📈.

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