I told you so yesterday. Those who bought ENA at its ATH keep HODLing or sell because the los$es incurred won't be much because of ENA's gentle volatility at the moment. Those who bought at 0.5 like me, sell your coins and I bet you'll triple your bags 💰 when you buy at a dip of around $0.7 or less. Taking profits is very important for retailers in a bull run because you'll buy more during dips with the profits accumulated. Take profits for new coins and meme coins. If you're at a loss, don't sell if you can't afford losing.

Let's make more money before the sleeping Giant $BTC awakens to either pull up or dip and shook the Crypto planet. It's a good opportunity to make money with alt coins and then stash it up as Bitcoin.

And lastly, guys on square who copy-paste people's posts without giving credit to the originators, why don't you just hit the repost/share button? It won't hurt your finger.


#TrendingAssets #BitcoinHalvingDrama #Wormholecoin (W) #Memecoins