🚨🚨🚨 Radiant Capital distributed 8.075M $RDNT ($2.68M) to 5 different wallets 2 days ago amid price surge.

- 3 wallets jointly moved 6.175M $RDNT to #Houbi , #Okx and #Gate.io 1 day ago, at an average price of $0.333 ($2.06M)

- 1 wallet is most likely to deposit 950K $RDNT to #Binance soon.

- 1 wallet added 950K $RDNT to RDNT-WETH liquidity pool

- This is the 3rd time they behaved like this: moved out $RDNT to CEX when the price is up

and caused the price dumped after transfers

👉 Details: https://twitter.com/spotonchain/status/1665204731869040642