

Bome is on the rise! With a 7.83% increase, it's now valued at $0.01402. 🚀

🔄 Price Change: ↑↓ 0.00000020B (4.60% in 24h) 🔁

🔄 Trading Interval: 1 hour ⏳

📊 Moving Averages:

- MA(7): $0.0140152 📈

- MA(50): $0.0139705 📈

- MA(100): $0.0138059 📈

⏰ Recent Prices:

- 14:00: $0.0156503 🕑

- 21:00: - $0.0155114 🕘

- 04:00: $0.0145944 🕓

- 11:00: $0.0140224 🕚

📉 Market Stats:

- Market Cap: $0.0127322- 💼

- 24h Change: ▲7.83% 🔼

- 7 Days Change: ▼ 22.07% 🔽

- 30 Days Change: ▲ 1,439% 🔼

- 90 Days Change: ▲ 1,449% 🔼

- YTD: Draw 0.00% 📉

Bome is showing promising growth, with significant increases over the past month and quarter. Keep an eye on this trending cryptocurrency! 💼💸

#Bome #Crypto #Investing #HotTrends