#PiNetwok The Pi Network, a decentralized cryptocurrency project, has collaborated with several companies to explore the use of blockchain technology and promote its adoption. Here are some notable partnerships:

Stellar Development Foundation: The Pi Network collaborates with the Stellar Development Foundation, which focuses on creating an open financial network for global transactions

Ternio Blockchain Platform: Ternio is another partner that contributes to the Pi Network’s growth and development.

IBM: The collaboration with IBM aims to leverage their expertise in technology and enterprise solutions.

Inflection: Inflection is involved in exploring blockchain applications and use cases.

Helium: The Pi Network collaborates with Helium, a decentralized wireless network, to enhance connectivity and communication.

Nori: Nori’s focus on carbon removal aligns with Pi Network’s commitment to sustainability.

Stanford Blockchain Research Center: The Pi Network partners with the Stanford Blockchain Research Center to explore blockchain technology’s potential across various industries

These collaborations demonstrate Pi Network’s commitment to advancing blockchain adoption and creating a more inclusive ecosystem for cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide.