#Grass #BTC #Grass/usdt #HotTrends #upcomingbump

This airdrop shouldn't even have to tell anyone since you all already know about it.

Still if someone doesn't know about this its very simple and straight forward.

Step 1 : Got the website and create an account -> https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=MpZZ6v1asSZL94r

Step 2 : Download the extension -> https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/grass-extension/ilehaonighjijnmpnagapkhpcdbhclfg?hl=en&authuser=0

Step 3 : Login the account

you turn on your pc or laptop just click on the extension and let it run in the background and thats it.

About Grass

The internet connection you have lets say 20mps or 100mps or more it works on bandwidth and on normal day to day use you don't use your whole bandwidth you just use around 25% of that and the rest goes to waste.

SO what GetGrass does is it takes your extra spare bandwidth and utilizes it and gives you reward for your bandwidth.

This is totally safe and backing and was even of promising projects.

So definitely do it and it takes no time to set it up.