
#HotTrends #pepe

As the price of $PEPE is falling a lot of people seem to be panic selling. Hopefully, this guide will reduce your fear of holding $PEPE . In this guide I will be using an investment risk called "Averging down", while this might seem like a basic tactic, trust me a lot of people don't seem to know about it or implement it. Here is how it works with an example:

1. Initial Purchase: Say, you buy 100 coins at $1 each. Your total investment is $100.

2. Price Drop: The coin's price drops to $0.50. This is where you might feel the urge to sell in panic. But there's an alternative strategy.

3. Averaging Down: Instead of selling, you decide to invest another $100 at the new price of $0.50.

4. Calculating New Average Cost: Now, with an additional $100, you can buy 200 more coins at $0.50 each. Your total holdings increase to 300 coins, with a total investment of $200.

5. Formula to Calculate New Average Cost:

New Average Cost = Total Investment / Total number of coins

So in this example it would be = 200 / 300 = 0.67

By averaging down, your average cost per coin drops to $0.67, significantly lower than your initial $1. Now, you only need the price to rise above $0.67 to start seeing profits, rather than the original $1.

Extra Tip: Never invest all your money at once. Keeping some funds aside can be a lifesaver for taking advantage of price drops and implementing strategies like averaging down.

Keep on holding and the strong ones who held till the end will become millionaires lets continue building $PEPE empire 💰💰💰

**Disclaimer** this is not a financial advice.