#PiNetwok Pi Network's 5th Anniversary Update

On Pi Day 2024, which marks the 5th official anniversary of the Pi Network, exciting developments are taking place as we prepare for the Open Network. Here’s what’s happening:

New Products and Ecosystem Vision:

We’re announcing new products and exploring how our collective work is building out Pi Network’s ecosystem vision.

The focus is on creating a strong ecosystem that supports our community and the world. This ecosystem is designed to be user-friendly, inclusive, and abundant with apps and utilities for Pioneers and beyond.

Our goal is to gradually move from an enclosed state to an open state, starting with utilities and gradually expanding to engage non-Pioneers as well.

Race to 10 Million KYC Event:

As part of the Open Network plan, we’re launching a new event where Pioneers can share their KYC success stories. This encourages community efforts in achieving Open Network milestones and helps other Pioneers get KYC’ed.

Completed Pi Browser – PiNet Loop:

The Pi Browser, as the interface of the Pi ecosystem, is now open to the external world via PiNet. Non-Pioneers can view and interact with Pi apps, potentially joining the network as new Pioneers.

This loop reinforces utility creation and ecosystem building by providing utility-based entry alongside traditional mining-based entry.

Content Feed in Mining App:

While mining, Pioneers will see more Pi ecosystem content in the mining app. This content can spur Pioneers to share again through PiNet, completing the loop.

Identity-Verified and Inclusive Web3 Ecosystem:

We’re committed to nurturing an ecosystem that benefits both Pioneers and non-Pioneers.

Recent product releases, such as the Pi Browser and Pi Ad Network, contribute to this vision