ALT season has started. What that means?

It means that people are in big profits. They are more likely to put money in more volatile and much smaller coins. People are selling btc to buy alts. That doesn't mean that btc will go down now. It means that alts are going to outperform btc in big numbers.

My suggestion is to hold all alts and btc.

If you don't own alts, now's the last time to make some degen plays and sell some if not all btc for alts.

On other note, there are many small caps that i suggested you to buy and they have made some pretty good gains. I have taken initial investment out from many and will let the rest just ride it.

Some didn't go up enough yet, don't worry they will soon enough.

When i decide to take initial investment out? when the coin goes up astronomical numbers in a very short period of time. Sometimes 2x in a day. Sometimes slower goes up untill it 10x. At that point i take it out and invest in an other opportunity. That is the sentiment of today. Things will change.

I know made a bunch a lads who followed my advice a lot of money, but I can't promise to update you all, since there is no particular reason why i keep doin it, nor why i should continue.

Have no regrets. Best of luck.