The Greatest Inventions In The Past 800 Years:

1. Printing Press - Johannes Gutenberg (1450)

2. Electric Light - Thomas Edison (1879)

3. Automobile - Karl Benz (1885)

4. Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell (1876)

5 Radio and Television - Guglielmo Marconi & John Baird (1895 & 1926)

6 Computer - John Atanasoff, et al. (1939)

7 Airplane - Orville and Wilbur Wright (1903)

8 Gas powered tractor - John Froelich (1892)

9 Anesthesia - Horace Wells (1844)

10 Internet - Sir Tim Berners-Lee (1989)

11 #Bitcoin‬   - Satoshi Nakamoto (2008)