Bitcoin ETF: SEC Considers Option Approval


The SEC has recently paved the way for a new era for crypto investors. It is currently seeking comments on a proposed rule change that would allow the listing and trading of options on Bitcoin ETFs.

The Rise of Derivative Products

In January, the SEC had approved Spot Bitcoin ETFs. Recently, it has sought comments on a proposed rule change concerning these assets. Specifically, this proposal aims to authorize the listing and trading of options on Bitcoin ETFs such as Bitwise Bitcoin (BITC) and Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), as well as any other trusts holding Bitcoin.

This development marks a significant turning point in the world of cryptocurrencies. Up to now, investors had to purchase and hold physical BTC to participate in the market. With the introduction of options on Bitcoin ETFs, they will now be able to benefit from price fluctuations without owning the virtual currency itself.

Approval of Bitcoin ETF Options: What are the Implications?

If the proposal is approved, the options on Bitcoin ETFs would be traded “in the same way as options on other ETFs (including commodity ETFs) on the exchange”. This would open up new opportunities for investors, while introducing a form of hedging against market volatility.

Investors could use these Bitcoin ETF options to protect themselves against price changes in Bitcoin or to speculate on future movements.

For example, an investor could buy a call option on a Bitcoin ETF if they anticipate a price increase. Conversely, a put option would allow them to protect against a decrease in prices.

Who are the Candidates for the Approval of Bitcoin ETF Options?

Several candidates are positioning themselves for the approval of these options on Bitcoin ETFs:

Bitwise Bitcoin ETF (BITC)

Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC)

Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund

VanEck Bitcoin Trust

The growing interest in ETFs and the SEC’s openness to derivative products could signify a significant turning point in the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the United States and around the world.