Well, Let’s be honest with you.

Let’s, You have a company. Their is a limited rooms for ceo, manage & all. So, it’s important to understand the people, which one you want to hire or promote. It’s all depends upon you. & Others are not capable to hire or prompt them. & The growth of your company depends upon your decision. If you are original then you are a great, otherwise, may be you will become a scammer.

Pi Coin

Same way; In the Crypto industry, the owner is People & the employees are Experienced Crypto Enthusiasts. Most of the pi holders are not knowledgeable about Crypto or you can say, the are just mining Pi as a gambler of time. So, it’s all depends upon time to solve the answer of your question.


& In the other hand; their are lots of people, who knows about Crypto & working on it. & Their are most advanced blockchain like $ARB , $OP , #BRC20 , #ERC20 #BSCchain , $APT etc etc. So, think about the answer of your question again.

Moral of the Answer:

A Company with Big Size of Employees may not work properly with low or zero experience on its field with their competitors.


#PiNetwork #picoin