Its easier to trade trends than to scalp. 9/10 people lose money when they daytrade and scalp. its not good for your health, it affects your sleep, your relationships and you psychological wellness. you stay up late every night, looking at charts. 4hour, 1 hour, 15 min candles. spam bot commands to check indicators and averages, follow everyone and their grandma on telegram, just for 9/10 to lose money.

after i switched my mentality from the chase to a maraton, everything have changed for the better. my health and sleep is better, i maintain relationships better. do I still scalp? yes. Do i lose on most trades? yes. but I still make money with a 40% accuracy. why? because I manage risk correctly, and my long term holding by far outperform any losses endured from scalping. the spot gains, outweight the leveraged liquidations, and I mostly use leverage to hedge against drops, or fuel more gains from longs.

my last trades was:

short: 58800, 56750, 53500. all closed at 30k, where i started to DCA into spot with an avrg buyprice of 19650 spot btc. once btc broke free and broke 20k, I started leveraging longs at 21, 23 and 27. its all about identifying trends, and trade the trend while managing your risk and leave emotions behind. this is the way for 9/10 people to make money. I bough solana at 14, link at 7, and held it for now soon to be a year. I'm still holding these coins for the next cycle, and the best part is, I did'nt check my portfolio for half a year while it made mad bank while focusing on everything else than crypto.

my best advice to people, young or old, experienced to first time buyer. don't follow finfluencers that spam out content like:

"this is the next 10 000x shib"

" buy this coin for massive profits"

they make money from their referals and subscribers, not their skillset in analythics. find the people that tell you what they see, why they look for the things they look for and their reasonings. the best influence in your life as an investor is to follow people that teach you things, without telling YOU what YOU Should buy.