Crypto Life: A Decade's Journey! 🚀

🕰️ Ten years past, the BTC whisper echoed,

🌌 In 2014, ETH took the center stage,

🐕 2019 beckoned with SHIB allure,

💿 2022 brought CCDS into the crypto lore,

🐸 2023 showcased the rise of pepe.

🙅‍♂️ Skepticism prevailed, no scam allure,

🤔 Skipped the tide, stayed secure.

💰 Today, the BTC and ETH holders,

🌍 Live large, luxury unfolding,

🚗 Riding high, life's splendors beholding.

🌟 Lifestyle transformation, fortune enfold,

❌ Not the path, the scam stories told.

🔍 Choices matter, discernment to wield,

💼 Crafting a life, my destiny sealed.

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