The Ethereum developers held their 105th All Core Developers Consensus (ACDC) call on March 23, 2023, to discuss and coordinate changes to the consensus layer of Ethereum.

During the call, representatives from Ethereum client teams updated the status of their final releases for the upcoming Shanghai/Capella upgrade, which is scheduled to activate on April 12, 2023, at 6:27 PM (ET). All node operators on Ethereum are encouraged to upgrade their nodes in advance of the upgrade.

Prysm, Teku, Lodestar, and Lighthouse clients will have their final releases ready early next week, while Nimbus and Geth clients have already published their final releases. Once all final client releases for the Shanghai/Capella upgrade are published, Ethereum Foundation researcher Alex Stokes will compile them into a blog post on the Ethereum Foundation website.

Paritosh Jayanthi, a DevOps Engineer for the Ethereum Foundation, said that once the final client releases are out, developers will launch one final mainnet shadow fork to test these releases. In addition, the maximum bug bounty for identifying a vulnerability in the Shanghai/Capella upgrade has been doubled from $250,000 to $500,000 between now and the time of the fork.

On the call, developers also discussed the Deneb upgrade, which introduces a new transaction type called “blobs” through Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 4844, also known as proto-danksharding. Developers discussed decoupling blob transactions from blocks to improve network performance, and this week, they discussed an additional optimization that can be made due to the decoupled design of blobs from blocks.

Gajinder Singh, a developer for the Lodestar (CL) client, explained that due to the decoupling, the execution layer (EL) of Ethereum can now pass along proofs about blobs to the consensus layer (CL) that the CL can easily validate. Marius van der Wijden, a developer for the Geth (EL) client, mentioned that test executions for Deneb and EIP 4844 take a couple of seconds to start up and initialize the appropriate libraries. Van der Wijden recommended that developers work on optimizations to reduce these initialization costs so that tests on the code can be performed more efficiently.

Etan Kissling, a developer of the Ethereum Nimbus (CL) client team, gave a shout-out for ongoing efforts around SSZ formatting, which refers to updating the serialization scheme used by Ethereum’s EL so that it is consistent with the scheme used by Ethereum’s CL. However, Beiko explained that these efforts would be put on hold until a decision is made by the larger Ethereum core developer group.

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