The investing public, in most instances, didn’t even realize the

extent to which they were being exploited. However, with the advent

of online trading, the secretive world of stock trading became open for

all to see.

Some things never change. The house edge that Wall Street has

had over the public for decades is in part still there. Even with the

advancements in technology and the drastic changes to the rules that

govern trading, the public is still at an inherent disadvantage to the

market makers and floor traders that handle the public’s buy and sell

orders. However, there is a way to turn the tables, to put the odds in

your favor, and to beat the Wall Street trading firms at their own game.

If you exces-sively trade when the odds are not in your favor, the money will go out of your pocket and into the pocket of the person taking the other side

of your trades. But, if you are careful and trade only when the odds are

in your favor, you will likely come out a winner over time .

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