XT,com will add ISLM/USDT pairs on today 23/01/24 11:00 UTC. A Step Towards Financial Inclusion In recent years, the world has seen a surge in the popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies. While this has opened up new opportunities for investment and financial transactions, it has also raised concerns about the compatibility of these digital assets with Islamic finance principles.

However, the recent listing of Islamic coins on XT,com is a significant step towards addressing these concerns and promoting financial inclusion for Muslim communities. Xt,com Cex has announced the listing of Islamic coins on its platform. This development comes as a response to the growing demand for Sharia-compliant digital assets among the Islamic finance community.

The inclusion of Islamic coin on XT,com provides an opportunity for Muslim investors to participate in the cryptocurrency market without compromising their religious beliefs. Islamic coins, also known as Sharia-compliant coins, are digital assets that adhere to the principles of Islamic finance.

These coins are designed to comply with the prohibition of riba (usury) and gharar (uncertainty) as outlined in Islamic law. This means that Islamic coins must be backed by tangible assets, free from speculative trading, and adhere to ethical and moral guidelines.

many Muslim investors have been hesitant to participate in the market due to concerns about the compatibility of digital assets with Islamic finance principles. The availability of Sharia-compliant coins on Xt com addresses these concerns and provides a platform for Muslim investors to engage in cryptocurrency trading in a manner that aligns with their religious beliefs.

As the demand for Sharia-compliant digital assets continues to grow, the Inclusion of Islamic coins on XT,conmm serves as a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and accessible financial ecosystem for all.