🚨🚨🚨 UPDATES 🚨🚨🚨

20 minutes ago, 15,456 BTC ($629M) was transferred from a Grayscale Trust address to Coinbase Prime.

Since the adoption of the 1/10 BTC spot ETF, the Grayscale Trust address has transferred a total of 69,799 BTC ($2.942B) to Coinbase Prime during the opening hours of the US stock market for 6 consecutive trading days starting from 1/12.

⚠️Based on the comparison between the net outflow value of GBTC on the previous ETF trading days and the amount of BTC transferred at the opening of the next day, the amount of BTC transferred on-chain to Coinbase Prime at the opening of each US stock trading day for the Grayscale Trust address is likely to be the previous transaction The value corresponding to the daily net outflow of GBTC.

#BTC-ETF #Coinmerketcap #CoinbaseShares