#DeFi #Arbitrum #yieldfarming #staking

The world of decentralized finance, or DeFi, has exploded in popularity over the past year. However, the space can still be incredibly volatile and risky, with many investors unsure of where to turn for long-term growth and stability. That's where VOX Finance comes in - a yield-farming protocol on Arbitrum that aims to revolutionize the DeFi landscape.

The key advantage of the VOX Finance platform is their revolutionary token mechanics. Their token incentivizes long-term investment and provides a stable source of liquidity for the platform. Plus, their platform offers innovative features such as automatic buybacks and reinvestments. By prioritizing long-term growth and stability, VOX Finance offers a sustainable approach to yield farming.

Recently, VOX Finance launched a staking pool with several unique features. These include a 0.75% withdrawal fee, a 2-52 week locking period with attractive multipliers for longer staking periods, and the ability to (re)stake rewards to immediately compound your tokens. The staking pool rewards long-term supporters more than short-term investors, with longer locking periods offering higher multipliers.

In addition, VOX Finance recently collected approximately $15,000 worth of $VOX tokens on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon. These tokens will be used to convert into $USDC and then bridged over to Arbitrum to form the initial liquidity for VOX2.0, the latest version of the VOX Finance platform.

The tokenomics of VOX2.0 on Arbitrum are as follows: 20% of the total supply is set aside for staking, 30% for liquidity mining, 25% for marketing, 10% for initial liquidity, 10% for an airdrop, and 5% for the team.

If you're looking for a sustainable approach to yield farming and long-term growth and stability in the DeFi space, VOX Finance on Arbitrum is definitely worth checking out. With innovative features and a focus on incentivizing long-term investment, VOX Finance is poised to make a big impact in the world of DeFi.