#DeFi #yieldfarming #Ethereum #Arbitrum

DeFi has revolutionized the way we interact with money, offering unprecedented transparency and control to users. However, the complexity of DeFi protocols can be intimidating for newcomers, and earning yield can be a time-consuming process. This is where Stablz comes in - a yield capturing protocol designed to simplify yield earning and deliver as much real yield as possible directly to depositors.

Stablz is built on top of existing farming protocols, with a focus on transparency and non-custody of funds. The platform assumes as little liability as possible, earning fees from generating and locking in yield for its users. $STABLZ is the ERC-20 token built on Ethereum Mainnet that powers the Stablz ecosystem.

To provide liquidity to Stablz farming pools, the platform has chosen to build on top of Curve Finance, the largest and most liquid protocol for stablecoins in DeFi. All yield is harvested from CRV and stored in 3CRV LP tokens, allowing users to withdraw USDT/USDC/DAI. Stablz has no lockups for liquidity deposited on this face of the platform, and there are no deposit/withdrawal fees on Stablz stablecoin pools. Currently, the average stablecoin yield sits at 3-9% among integrated pools.

In addition to farming, Stablz also offers staking options for $STABLZ tokens. Staking involves locking up $STABLZ tokens to generate an incentivized interest rate, paid in $STABLZ. The interest rates for $STABLZ staking are fixed and pay out higher for longer lockup periods. For example, one may lock up 100 STABLZ for 1 month at an 8% APR incentive, which means upon deposit, they receive 100 OS receipt tokens and a total of 0.66666666 STABLZ over the course of the lockup period.

Stablz is constantly evolving, with plans to expand farms to other chains while maintaining revenue and rewards distributions on Ethereum Mainnet. Stablz smart contracts only add extra benefits such as depeg protection, emergency withdraws, and periodic auto-claim features to pools built on top of other farms. STABLZ and OS staking contracts will be exclusively on Ethereum Mainnet, with rewards coming from the contracts themselves or the fee handler contract.

In conclusion, Stablz is a platform that simplifies yield earning and delivers real yield directly to depositors. Its focus on transparency and non-custody of funds aligns with the ethos of DeFi, while its farming and staking options offer lucrative earning opportunities for users. Stablz is at the forefront of the latest advancements in DeFi, ensuring the highest standards of safety and security.