Comparative #Decimal blockchain analytics for the period 01.01 - 07.01 and 25.12 - 31.12

● For the period of 7 days: + 21,641 transactions;

Indicator: +44.8%. Total transactions: 2 091 416.

● New validator: #SPACE_Maia (1% commission).

Total validators: 82 (53 online, 29 offline).

● Number of blocks added are: + 106 622;

Total blocks: 18,683,247.

● Block reward: 985 DEL.

● Emissions in 7 days: + 89,875,029 DEL;

Indicator: +4%. Total emission: 6,531,024,352 DEL.

● Number of coins delegated: + 102,564,710 DEL;

Total delegated: 6,337,297,308 DEL.

● New wallets: +138;

Total wallets: 200,118.

● Total tokens: 324.

