💡Learn how to onboard to Injective from Solana with Phantom.

This article will teach you how to bridge SOL from Solana to Injective, using your Phantom wallet.

How to Bridge From Solana to Injective Using Phantom

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to onboard onto Injective from Solana. For this tutorial, you will need: 1. Metamask wallet 2. Injective wallet 3. Phantom wallet 4. SOL in your Phantom wallet

  1. Navigate to https://hub.injective.network/

  2. Click "Connect"

  3. Click "Metamask"

  4. Once you are connected, click "Bridge"

  5. Select "Solana" in the dropdown menu

  6. A pop up window will appear that ask you to connect with Phantom wallet

  7. Enter the amount of SOL you want to bridge from Solana to Injective

  8. Click "Transfer Now"

  9. Click "Confirm"

  10. Click "Redeem your funds"

  11. Click "Sign" to confirm the transaction

  12. Click "Wallet" to view the assets have been bridged over

This article is for informational purposes only and is not financial or investment advice. The information contained in this article is intended to be current at the time of publication but may not remain so indefinitely.