In the last 72 hours, a wallet potentially linked to Tether has once again captured attention. #Bitcoin News reported on this particular wallet on Aug. 5, 2023, noting its status as the 11th largest bitcoin wallet.

At that juncture, a 21 research analyst posited that the wallet might be associated with Tether, correlating with the stablecoin issuer’s financial attestations. Tether had previously acknowledged holding bitcoin as part of its assets, yet it hadn’t publicly shared any specific wallet address.

After this initial report, Cryptoquant, a blockchain analytics firm, raised doubts about the wallet’s connection to Tether. 145 days later, on December 31, 2023, a significant sum of 8,888.88 BTC was transferred to the wallet, identified as “bc1qj.”

The bitcoin, like all previous deposits to this wallet since its creation, originated from Bitfinex. This consistent pattern of deposits from Bitfinex further fuels speculation that the wallet might be owned by Tether.


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