My 2023 with Binance. How's yours?

Before the year ends, I would like to express my sincere gratitude with Binance, its services and most especially within the community. (Filipino and Discord) It wasn't an easy journey to be honest, Binance has faced a lot of FUD throughout the year but yet here we are, still here building and believing our goals which will always be in line with its Vision freedom of money. I could tell I am not that profitable trader I've been dreaming of but rest assured the experiences we had been from our liquidation calls to negative PNLs will always be a lesson to educate ourselves more, #DCA, building our portfolio and to always #DYOR for us to be able to make it through our goals.

P.S. I am so grateful for my merch collection this 2023. I am looking forward to more opportunities and events with Binance for 2024. #WAGMI