A blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. Transactions on a blockchain are grouped into blocks and each block is linked to the previous one using cryptography, forming a chain. This creates a permanent and unalterable record of all transactions that is accessible to anyone on the network.

One of the key features of blockchains is that they are decentralized, meaning there is no central authority or middleman controlling the network. Instead, transactions are validated by multiple participants on the network, making it difficult for any one party to alter the data. This makes blockchains highly secure and resistant to hacking and tampering.

The first and most well-known blockchain is the one underlying the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Since then, many other blockchain platforms have been developed for various use cases, such as Ethereum for smart contracts, Ripple for international payments, and many more.

In addition to financial transactions, blockchains have the potential to revolutionize other industries by providing secure, transparent and tamper-proof record-keeping for a wide range of applications. For example, blockchains can be used for supply chain management to track the origin and authenticity of products, for voting systems to ensure secure and transparent elections, and for digital identity to securely store and manage personal information.

However, while the potential uses of blockchains are vast, there are also some limitations to consider. For example, the speed and scalability of blockchains can be a challenge, as the decentralized nature of the technology can lead to slow transaction processing times. Additionally, the energy consumption required to maintain a blockchain network can also be a concern.

Despite these limitations, the potential benefits of blockchains are significant and their use is growing rapidly. It's likely that in the coming years, blockchains will continue to be a major focus of innovation and development, with new and exciting use cases emerging all the time.