According to U.Today, Ripple's Chief Technology Officer, David Schwartz, has drawn parallels between the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) handling of Ethereum and China's past management of Bitcoin. This comes after Consensys, the developer behind the MetaMask wallet, suggested that the SEC is likely to conclude its investigation into Ethereum. Neil Hartner, a software engineer at Ripple Payments, expressed skepticism, implying that the investigation's closure might be more about public relations than providing regulatory clarity.

Schwartz responded by comparing the SEC's actions to China's past behavior with Bitcoin. He pointed out that China used to alternately ban and unban Bitcoin, a strategy widely believed to manipulate the market for the benefit of Chinese oligarchs. By drawing this comparison, Schwartz implied that the SEC's inconsistent regulatory approach could be seen as similarly manipulative, favoring certain entities within the cryptocurrency market.

Within the XRP community, this development has sparked a discussion, particularly among those who believe that Ethereum has received preferential treatment. Ripple's Chief Legal Officer, Stuart Alderoty, raised questions about whether this suggests that Ethereum transactions are not considered securities, and what it means for MetaMask and Ethereum staking.

As the debate continues, the cryptocurrency community is calling for clearer and more consistent regulations. Schwartz's comments underscore the need for a transparent and predictable regulatory framework in the rapidly evolving crypto market.