According to PANews, a discussion was held on June 18th featuring key figures from Farcaster and FriendTech. The event, which took place at 8 PM, was centered around the imminent move of FriendTech to a new chain and Farcaster's dominance in the Base social race. The guests included Farcaster deep participant 0xLuo, independent researcher Haotian, Founder of @realdegencast QiaoLiang, and IOSG investor Wendy. They shared their insights on the recent trends in two major social protocols and their views on future developments.

The event was an opportunity for these industry leaders to share their perspectives on the current state of social protocols and where they see the industry heading. The move of FriendTech to a new chain was a significant topic of discussion, as it represents a major shift in the company's strategy. Farcaster's dominance in the Base social race was also a key point of discussion, highlighting the company's success in this area.

The insights shared by the guests, including Farcaster deep participant 0xLuo, independent researcher Haotian, Founder of @realdegencast QiaoLiang, and IOSG investor Wendy, provided valuable insights into the current trends and future developments in the social protocol industry. Their views on the future of the industry will be of interest to anyone involved in or following the social protocol sector.