According to PANews, the metaverse, in the new digital age, is not just a new peak of technology but also a new chapter in human thought and social development. It will break existing boundaries, combining physical and virtual, reality and fiction, life and games, creating an unprecedented world. In this world, we are no longer limited by geography and time. We can work, learn, and entertain anytime, anywhere, enjoying unlimited possibilities. However, the development of the metaverse also brings challenges. As technology continues to advance, we need to consider issues such as data security, privacy protection, and legal regulations.

Innoclub, a part of Caohejing Innovation Camp, has invited authoritative research institutes, well-known universities, industry-leading companies, and many industry experts and mentors to jointly launch the sixth issue of the Caohejing Science and Technology Enterprise Acceleration Program in 2024. They are now recruiting high-quality start-ups in the 'metaverse' field to complete several modules of entrepreneurial acceleration, exploring the cutting-edge applications of the metaverse in various industries.

The recruitment period is from June 11 to June 21, 2024. The selected results will be notified by email on June 25, and the camp will start on June 28. The acceleration project will run from June to August 2024. The classes will be held at the conference room on the first floor of Building 27, Baoshi Garden, 487 Tianlin Road.

The recruitment is for 20 metaverse companies leading the industry development trend. The acceleration module includes training courses, thought collisions, mentor consultations, study tours, large enterprise docking meetings, and graduation forms. The whole process will be accompanied by expert training. The event is guided by the Shanghai Employment Promotion Center and the Xuhui District Employment Promotion Center, and is sponsored by the Shanghai Caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center Co., Ltd. The event is supported by the Huawei Cloud Startup Program and Chuangling Capital.