According to Odaily, Taiwan has established a cryptocurrency industry association, with 24 cryptocurrency companies joining as members. All member organizations have completed anti-money laundering registration with the Financial Supervisory Commission. This move marks a significant step in the country's efforts to regulate and legitimize the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry.

The formation of the association is expected to provide a platform for these companies to collaborate, share knowledge, and work towards common goals. It also signifies the government's recognition of the importance of the cryptocurrency industry and its commitment to ensuring its safe and legal operation.

The completion of anti-money laundering registration by all member companies underscores the seriousness with which the association and its members are taking regulatory compliance. This is a crucial aspect of the industry's development, as it helps to build trust and confidence among potential investors and the general public.

The establishment of the cryptocurrency industry association in Taiwan is a significant development in the global cryptocurrency landscape. It demonstrates the country's proactive approach to embracing this new technology and its potential benefits, while also addressing the risks and challenges it presents.