According to Odaily, the Stargate community has initiated a 'Distribution of RFP' proposal voting, which is set to conclude on May 29. The proposal outlines the strategic framework for the upcoming RFP from Stargate DAO, focusing on four main factors for potential LayerZero token distribution: governance participants, LP, bridging, and partner agreements.

The proposal suggests that after allocating 10% of the share to developers, the remaining 90% should be distributed. Of this, 38.5% should be allocated to cross-chain users (with a total transaction volume of at least 5,000, up to a maximum of 750,000); 36.25% should be allocated to veSTG voters; 25% should be allocated to LP (with liquidity provision of at least one week, and the liquidity funds provided ranging from a minimum of $250 to a maximum of $5 million); 0.15% should be allocated to the proposers; and 0.1% should be allocated to the ThinkTank.

Following the conclusion of the vote, the Stargate Foundation will submit an RFP to the LayerZero Foundation and announce the winning results. The tokens will then be distributed by the LayerZero Foundation, based on the addresses calculated from proposals submitted before June 10.