According to an official announcement: BNB Chain Announces Updated DAU Incentive Program with $200K Prize Pool

BNB Chain has announced an update to its DAU (Daily Active Users) Incentive Program to support the growth of exceptional projects on the BNB Chain. The initiative commits up to $200,000 in BNB tokens as rewards.

The updated DAU incentive program now features a dynamic prize pool tied to the Increment DAU of all participants. The maximum size of the prize pool is $200,000, based on the tiers defined as follows:

- Tier 1: 100K – 300K Increment DAUs unlocks $50,000 pool
- Tier 2: 300K – 500K Increment DAUs unlocks $150,000 pool
- Tier 3: 500K – Upwards Increment DAUs unlocks $200,000 pool

Important Dates:
- Application Submission: April 24 – April 30, 2024 (23:59 UTC)
- Competition Period: May 1 – May 31, 2024
- Announcement of Winners: June 1, 2024

The rewards would be distributed based on three dimensions – Average DAU (35% weightage), Increment DAU (30% weightage), and Gas Fee (35% weightage). The dynamic rewards pool cascade between winners as follows:

- 1st: 40% of the dynamic rewards pool unlocked
- 2nd: 30% of the dynamic rewards pool unlocked
- 3rd: 15% of the dynamic rewards pool unlocked
- 4th: 10% of the dynamic rewards pool unlocked
- 5th: 5% of the dynamic rewards pool unlocked
Eligibility Criteria:
- Projects must be deployed on the opBNB mainnet or BSC from January 1, 2023
- Projects must have an average minimum of 10 Daily Active Users (DAU) in the last 7 days leading up to the application.
- For April-deployed new projects, the baseline DAU is 0.
- Projects must have undergone at least 1 security audit.
- Project applications must be submitted via the provided application form by April 30.