According to PANews, Scoopy Trooples, the co-founder of DeFi lending protocol Alchemix Finance, has voiced his concerns over MakerDAO's consideration to distribute $600 million worth of DAI to USDe and sUSDe. Trooples expressed uncertainty about his feelings towards the rising risk curve of DAI. He has always appreciated its relative safety and conservative characteristics. However, his intuition tells him that a market crash, not if but when, could potentially cause significant damage to the entire ecosystem, precisely when sUSDe is most vulnerable and unfortunately, when people rely most on stablecoins to maintain their value.

Trooples predicts that 2024 will be a fantastic year. However, by 2025, he believes we will return to the Stone Age due to the bull market making people increasingly risky. Today, MakerDAO's entry into sUSDe to boost PSM means that all projects integrating DAI are now bearing the risk of sUSDe. All other stablecoins must have at least a 20% annual yield, prompting more protocols to enter the high point of the risk curve. During this period, some foundations are getting creative, further entering the high point of the risk curve. Finally, what should be the most stable asset class could potentially become the most dangerous.