You can still position for $EDGE Airdrop, here is a detailed breakdown
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jan. 27.
Here is another $0.00 Cost Airdrop You can Position Yourself in 2025 🪂🪂🪂📸
Name: LayerEdge Cost:$0.000 Time: 3-5 minutes
Join the LayerEdge Testnet with this simple guide
Head Over To ( Tap and Hold to Copy the link below )
> Connect Your Airdrop Evm Wallet
> Use This Code to join: KPss6cD0
It will be requested
> Start The Node
If you have issues verifiying your browser, do this
Try with a different Browser Or
Head over to Binance web3 wallet and login your evm wallet
Paste the link on the browser tab and repeat same process
Ask Questions Below if you have any, if you are seeing this, you are super early
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