As we enter into a time of deep now. Gather enough money and buy in the deep. Don't be greedy. Just buy deep tokens usdt each. Take this advice d thank me later. Only if you have more money, but 15usdt each but calculate the percentage lost in a day with what You invest. If 100usdt of a coin is bought drops a 15%, 15usdt gone but if it's 10usdt, 1.05. Know your maths before you invest. Don't be greedy. 1000usdt for 1coin can be for 100coin and make you millions r a long term investments. As we enter next year, don't repeat 2024 mistakes. Trade wisely and invest wisely. If you live in Africa and your work pays 50usdt to 100usdt for whole 30days of work, know how you enter into crypto. Money lost can't be recovered. Don't let greet kill You. Crypto is like Gambling. Take Care Of Yourself. Don't follow the hype. Follow the invest you want to institute. Be disciplined as well. Don't forget "Crypto is like Gambling". Those who invest for the future, wins.