All time high price of BSW was $2.1292.

Biswap (BSW) is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), offering low transaction fees and a multi-type referral system.

Price History:

All-Time High: BSW reached an all-time high of $2.11.

Recent Performance: As of December 29, 2024, BSW is trading at approximately $0.0835, reflecting a significant decline from its peak.

Price Predictions:

By 2025: Forecasts suggest BSW could reach between $0.10 and $0.65, indicating potential growth from its current price.

By 2030: Predictions vary, with some estimates ranging from $0.19 to $5.00, reflecting differing analyses and market expectations.


Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, and long-term price predictions should be approached with caution.


