New users:
Please do yourself a favor. Don’t hope, don’t gamble, don’t post: „Please expert help and give me an advice about this and that I don’t know a …. coin, and I am willing to lose all the 55 cents I own.“ Don’t believe everything from everyone.
This is no gamble. Someone else is pretty bad and will take your money if you don’t put effort into your actions. I dislike it if we donate them our money and they keep on laughing.
The main reasons you will fail are: laziness, hope, gambling, impatience, the „easy way“ thing, and some other. This is not a miracle. It’s a very tough thing.
The way out: Reflect your knowledge and goals, do small steps after you’re done with studying trading/investing. Meanwhile humble your money and yourself and put effort into every step you take.
Thank you very much. Hoping to having talked about some things you are suppressing intentionally. Additionally it’s becoming a crazy „rip off“ and broken dreams pool in here…
DYOR. No financial advice. MY own and subjective opinion