Guys, listen carefully. Everyone is talking about how my one stop-loss (SL) was hit yesterday and they suffered a loss. But no one is saying that three profitable signals were given yesterday, five profitable signals were given the day before yesterday, and one SL was hit. The day before that, six profitable signals were given and one SL was hit. Everyone is only talking about the one SL that was hit. After the SL is hit, I give recovery signals and also provide profit-making signals, and I help you recover the loss. And still, you people talk about the loss and not about the profit. Let's see my SL, for every signal, my take-profit (TP) is at least two to three times more than the SL. If my TP is three, it means the profit is two to three times more than the SL. If my TP is five, it means the profit is three to four times more than the SL. Where do all those profits go? Don't blame me like this, speak the truth. You people get stuck on one SL and start blaming me. Go and check all my posts, if you don't believe me, go and learn first, and then come. I have been trading for four years, and if you see my SLs, you will see that my profits are two to three times more than my SLs.