
For crypto newbies that would like to join all mining apps coz they think every project is legit or it's like world coin(giving lumpsome free grants)always go through the project white paper to understand how the project potential or it is just a waste of time

Here are some the things to research on while reading that white paper

No.1 always look at the total supply of the coin, the general rule is that the lesser the coins there will be means the difficult it will be to get the coins hence the higher the price of the coin and vice versa

No.2 look at the road map- this will help understand how the coins are allocated. You get to know how many coins are allocated to miners and how many they can mine before the coin is launched

No.3 research on whether the project will have a vesting period, this will help in knowing how many coins will be in circulation during launch which can help in estimating how much liquidity money is needed for the coin to launch at the price you are predicting

There are so many factors that determines a coin price but the launch price is always determined by dividing the liquidity money pulled in by the project team divided by the number of circulation coins at the time and after the coin is launched and is in the market the price starts changing depending on the law of supply and demand