StarkNet is a permissionless decentralized ZK-Rollup that operates as an L2 network over Ethereum. It provides scalability and Ethereum-level security by producing STARK proofs off-chain and then sending those proofs on-chain. Developers can deploy any business logic on StarkNet, benefiting from the advantages of Cairo, Account Abstraction, and other features.

StarkNet has released details of its upcoming versions, v0.12.3 and v0.13.0. The release notes detail performance improvements and security enhancements, underscoring StarkNet's commitment to refining its platform. The v0.13.0 update is planned to be launched on the mainnet on January 22, 2024, subject to management vote.

The following changes are included in the latest version, v0.12.3:

  • Mempool Validation

  • Inclusion of Failed Transactions

  • Keccak builtin

Transactions of version 0 are deprecated and will not be supported in StarkNet from this version onwards.

StarkNet's governance first phases will focus on #StarkNet protocol upgrades. Every StarkNet version upgrade will first be deployed on Testnet, and voters will have a 6-day period to examine and test the upgraded version as it runs on Goerli. If the proposal gains a majority of ‘YES’ votes during the 6-day voting period, the proposal passes, and StarkNet Mainnet will be upgraded accordingly

In summary, StarkNet is releasing new versions with performance improvements and security enhancements, and the latest version, v0.12.3, includes mempool validation, inclusion of failed transactions, and Keccak builtin. The upcoming version, v0.13.0, is planned to be launched on the mainnet on January 22, 2024, subject to management vote. StarkNet's governance first phases will focus on StarkNet protocol upgrades, and every StarkNet version upgrade will first be deployed on Testnet.