Hi guys so recently i came upon a "LITE" Referral Program : Join and earn 100 USDT

by Binance Crypto exchange Platform that i found to be actually an fairly easy way to earn some quick 100 bucks/USDT up to 6 times compared to most affiliate programs where getting traffic and targets/signups has been an headache for many

in this program the stages are quite simple;

  • If you are not a member you need to signup/register first : Register first

can use my referral ID code: CPA_00I1O7FUZP

(This code will Grant you a 40 USDT welcome bonus boost otherwise its an optional field and without a referral ID, this will start you off with around 1.48 USDT welcome bonus)

  • Once you are registered you'll receive your own Referral code (Invitation Code) which you can simply share to any social media page or to a friend(s) it adds you an extra 50 USDT Bonus totaling your accumulation to 90 USDT.

Now remember as the target to withdraw your tokens and exchange them to CASH via Binance P2P has to be 100 USDT means you need to top up 10 USDT and the quick way to do this is by boosting your referral this can be achieved in simple steps ways.

(a). First of all ensure you have Verified your identity in that platform (This adds you an extra 5 USDT bonus topping you up to 95USDT)

(b). Refer your friends with your refferal code (Important as it boosts him to boost you later on the stage 4 below) and ensure they all register and verify their identity as you have ( Atleast 5 or 6 friends or even family members should boost your way to 99 USDT).

(c). Now here is the final trick to reach 100 usdt from that stage (one way the system might make it quite tough to reach 100 usdt by just referring members to signup and verify since it will start counting by decimals like 0.01, 0.02 etc. added and this could mean you'll have to add many people but a simple shortcut is this;)

4. You can purchase BTC or any other crypto worth at least $105 for example using your card or bank and convert it to USDT Tokens in the platform or either way send to/ or ask your register friend or family member on the platform to do the very same process.( This method is a WIN! WIN! for both of you and your friends to reach 100 USDT in a blink) you can still withdraw your money.

5. You are now eligible to withdraw your tokens and exchange them to cash (For this refer to Binance P2P)

BEST PART ABOUT THIS STAGE (4) is that you or your referral both standard a chance to win a Teslar car worth $40K (or $40k in USDT tokens in that matter) the Ultimate Award for the trade/conversion.

Note: each round lasts for 10 days and if completed same day you begin second round immediately and so forth. and whoever you refer on round one and happens to verify on round two will not be counted as a bonus for you. all referrals have to register and verify on that specific ongoing round.