Another #Chromia Vault Release, bringing updates to the wallet 👀

The Vault is the gateway to the Chromia blockchain, and the new release has the following improvements 👇

‱ Cross-chain Transfer Reclaim Feature: Added the option to reclaim pending cross-chain transfers directly from the dapp page, accessible as a new tab next to Balance and History.

‱ Linked Account Support: Added support for linking a Chromia account to an EVM account, enabling users who created their Chromia account without an EVM account to withdraw assets to EVM blockchains.

‱ Documentation Fix: Fixed the link to documentation on the Auth Descriptors page, ensuring accurate and accessible resources for users.

‱ Security Enhancements: Upgraded packages to address and resolve security vulnerabilities.

‱ Enhanced Token Selection: Updated token selection to display all tokens available on the chain, not limited to tokens with positive balances, providing a more flexible user experience.