Whether you are just starting out in crypto or mid-level in crypto/nfts, FREE money via Airdrops is something that’s always welcome.

That’s after JITO ($JTO) airdrop on $Solana chain gave users 15,000 USD just for staking 1 USD which was 10 USD. Hence, with 2024 and 2025 Bull Market around the corner, it’s time to start Airdrop Farming for your next big fat internet magic money.

Please note that tokens airdrop is never guarantee and none of this is financial advice. It’s just how ONE retail folks (me) is trying to help ALL other retail folks.

Please also note that we are LATE to Airdrop Farming: But as the adage goes, it is better to be Late than Never.

This will be a 1st of many series of airdrop farming articles. They will drop both on #binance feed as well as #medium.

I will split my write-up into 2 parts.

First, the knowledge and introduction of the company/network going to do the airdrop. Second, Tangible and Idiot Proof Steps you can take. Don’t be lazy. 30 Minutes of work could get you a few thousand.

So, what is $SCROLL?

Scroll is an Ethereum Layer 2 network that uses zk-rollups technology aimed at scaling Ethereum. They have raised $50 million in a new funding round (Series B)

Scroll has reached a $1.8 billion valuation following this funding round.

Investors in the round included Polychain Capital, Sequoia China, Bain Capital Crypto, Moore Capital Management, Variant Fund, Newman Capital, IOSG Ventures and Qiming Venture Partners.

See breakdown of funding:

Scroll Aim: Scaling Ethereum

Scroll was founded in 2021 with the goal of scaling Ethereum to 1 billion users. As a Layer 2 network, Scroll processes transactions off Ethereum on its own network and then ports the transaction data back to Ethereum — helping increase transaction speed and reduce costs.

Scroll's 3 design principles or core values — community-driven, security first and decentralization at every level — are its competitive edge.

So how we farm $Scroll airdrop?

Airdrop Strategy:

Often, the number of interactions with unique contracts become an airdrop criterion.

Alpha: Many don't know that the cheapest way to get your unique interaction/contract count is to mint NFTs, as each NFT is a unique contract. And this is especially so for $ETH L2 because fees are cheap. SO, the goal is to find Cheap NFTs to mint (like 1 USD).

Step 1: Bridge ETH Main-net to Scroll Main-net (wait for gas to be low)


Note: There are other cheaper ways to bridge but from experience using their official bridge at least ONCE could be the 1st filter for any airdrop.

Step 1 is the ONLY step that require more than 7 USD. The rest are 1 USD or less.

Step 2: Go to Scroll Ecosystem and Interact with Dapps there

Suggestion: Sushiswap Scroll Network: ETH to USDC


Look for Sushi Swap, Swap Scroll ETH to USDC say 0.1 USD. Scroll Fees are neligible.

Step 3: Continue on Scroll Ecosystem and Interact with more Dapps there

Scroll ENS Service: Register and Pay for1 Year. I registered: milestones.scroll

This is similar to ENS domains (.eth) but here it is .scroll

Step 4: Mint your 1st Scroll Chain NFT

NFT name: Colors in the dark

a. Go to: https://colors-in-the-dark.nfts2.me

b. Connect your wallet

c. Mint NFT

Cost: 1 USD

Step 5: Mint your 2nd Scroll Chain NFT

NFT name: Singapore

a. Go to: https://neon-singapore.nfts2.me/

b. Connect your wallet

c. Mint NFT

Cost: 1 USD

There you go, you have 5 transactions and ready for the airdrop. You should aim to have 10-20 transactions ideally but I will leave hunting for other NFTs to mint up to you. I have already done the 1st 5 transactions for you.


If you find this useful, please consider following my Binance account, sharing/liking the article as well as following me on Twitter: @milestones_nft

Feel free to share it freely to. Happy Farming.