The Pi Network Core Team (PCT) has responded to the community’s concerns about the lack of a timeline for open mainnet. In a recent blog post, the PCT stated that they are committed to launching open mainnet as soon as possible, but that they need to take the necessary time to ensure that the Pi Network is ready.

The PCT highlighted a number of factors that are contributing to the delay, including:

  1. The need to ensure that the Pi Network is scalable and secure.

  2. The need to develop a robust ecosystem of Pi-powered applications and services.

  3. The need to complete the KYC verification process for all Pioneers.

The PCT also stated that they are working on a new roadmap that will provide more clarity on the timeline for open mainnet. This roadmap is expected to be released in December 2023.

What to Expect from the Pi Network Roadmap V2

The Pi Network Roadmap V2 is expected to provide more information on the following:

  • The specific steps that the PCT needs to take before launching open mainnet.

  • The estimated timeline for completing each of these steps.

  • A more concrete date for the open mainnet launch.

The PCT has stated that they are committed to transparency and communication with the Pi Network community. They have also stated that they are committed to launching open mainnet as soon as possible.

The Pi Network community is eagerly awaiting the launch of open mainnet. However, it is important to be patient and understand that the PCT needs to take the necessary time to ensure that the Pi Network is ready.

The upcoming Pi Network Roadmap V2 is expected to provide more clarity on the timeline for open mainnet. In the meantime, Pioneers can continue to mine Pi coins, test out Pi Network applications, and participate in the Pi Network’s various testnet programs.#PI #PiNetwork