**Quantum Computing Breakthrough: No Immediate Threat to Encryption**

Researchers at Shanghai University claimed a major breakthrough by using a quantum computer to crack RSA encryption, sparking concerns about the future of banking, military, and cryptocurrency security. However, popular YouTuber Mental Outlaw argues this breakthrough isn't as impactful as it seems.

- The quantum computer factorized a 22-bit key, surpassing other quantum computers but falling short of classical computers' 892-bit record.

- Modern RSA encryption uses 2048 to 4096-bit keys, far beyond the quantum computer's capabilities.

- Quantum computers face significant physical and computational limits, including the need for near-absolute zero temperatures and extensive error correction.

Despite the current limitations, tech companies are proactively developing quantum-resistant cryptography. HSBC, IBM Quantum, Microsoft, and Apple are all working on securing their systems against future quantum threats. While quantum computing isn't a threat today, rapid technological advancements could change that landscape sooner than expected.